Thursday, October 16, 2008

What is nutritious food and a well-balanced diet?

Nutritious food is one that contains all the essential nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A well balanced diet should contain all these in correct proportions and adequate amounts. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide the energy required for various activities. Vitamins and minerals do not supply energy but play an important role in the regulation of several essential metabolic processes in the body.

As people become older, do they need less food?
The energy requirements of a person decrease with increase in age. This is because of a lowered basal metobolic rate and lessened physical activity. There is an 8% reduction per decade from 55-75 yrs.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Which Diet is better - Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

First of all, there are 5 different types of vegetarians.
  1. Those who don't eat meat of some animals (eg., Beef or meat of rabbit etc.) or some organs (eg. Brain)
  2. Those who eat only fish and dairy products
  3. Those who don't eat meat or fish but will eat eggs and drink milk. These are the most common type of vegetarians.
  4. Those who do not eat meat or any animal product.
  5. There are a few who do not eat anything but fruits.
Advantages of vegetarian foods are:
  • They are easily chewable, especially for the elderly who have lost their teeth.
  • Many elderly feel that vegetarian food is more easily digestible.
  • Vegetarian foods are cheaper than non-vegetarian foods.
  • Some vegetables can be eaten raw preventing the loss of nutrients while cooking.
  • Vegetarian foods do not contain as much fat as non-vegetarian foods.
Vegetarians should take care to include soyabeans, groundnuts, lentils, mushrooms and so on to get a sufficient supply of proteins.

Advantages of Non-Vegetarian foods are:
  • Non-vegetarian foods are rich in protein of high biological value and in Vit B complex, especially B12 which is not available in plant foods.
  • Fish, especially the small varieties are a rich source of calcium.
  • Egg-white is good source of protein and easily digested.
The incidence of high BP, Heart disease, Obesity and high cholesterol levels is found to be greater among non-vegetarians. Elders who suffer from these problems should reduce the intake of fleshy foods in their diet. Egg-white and most varieties of fish contain less fat, but are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the decision depends on various factors such as cultural or dietary habits of the family, personal preference, taste and avoidance of certain foods for health reasons. Whatever the case, a well-balanced diet supplying proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals should be taken.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How much of fat is allowed in the diet of the elderly?

Fat is a concentrated source of energy. It adds palatability to food. The diet should contain 30 - 40 gms. of fat and half of it should be in the form of vegetable oil, rich in essential fatty acids. A diet with high content of saturated fatty acids (Ghee, Butter, Coconut oil, unrefined oils) tends to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Are Carbohydrates necessary in an Elder's diet?

The body needs Carbohydrate because it cannot make it for itself from other nutrients. So, it should be not less than 100 gms per day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What are the most important minerals needed for good health?

Calcium is very essential for an average elderly person. As people become older, the bones become demineralised. This is called Osteoporosis. So Calcium intake should be not less than 400 mg per day. Foods rich in calcium are Ragi, Green leafy vegetables, milk, fenugreek leaves, drumstick leaves and sea food.
Phosphorus, dietary fibre, drugs, alcohol, menopause, illness and exercise may all affect absorption of minerals in the body.
Iron deficiency leads to Anaemia. So the diet of the elderly should contain sufficient amount of iron. Greens are rich in iron, cheaper than other vegetables and available easily most of the time. Elders should include some variety of greens in their diet everyday. Other foods rich in Iron are: Wheat flour, Ragi, Jaggery, Dates and Liver.The recommended daily allowance is 30 mg. per day.

What are the Vitamins needed by the human body?

Vitamins are involved in the utilisation of major nutrients like protein, carbohydrate and fat in the body. They cannot be made in adequate quantities by the human body. So, they have to be present in the food that we eat. They are:
Vitamin A, D, E, K, C (ascorbic acid) and Vit B Complex (Thiamin -B1, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine-B6, Biotin, Folate, Cobalamins- B12)

How important is it for the elderly to drink plenty of water?

The elderly do not recognise the need to maintain the volume of water excreted. The fluid intake should be atleast 1.5 - 2 lts per day in a normal elderly person.